On August 23,2022,GSE Act employed Louise Clegg imposed a number of restrictions against me.

These restrictions include:

  • refusal to accept my credit card payment authorities (CCPA) for NCAT application fees
  • refusal to accept my CCPAs for hearing sound recording purchases
  • refusal to accept emailed correspondence from my nominated email address GRIFFIN@PZGIPA.COM (used in current proceedings 2022/000196935)
  • refusal to accept any posted applications / documents which include GRIFFIN@PZGIPA.COM (used in current proceedings 2022/000196935)

1. The grounds for refusing the CCPAs appears based substantially on my successful complaint to my credit card provider who found that GSE Act employed Bechini used my credit card details WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION.

2. There are no grounds provided by GSE Act employed Clegg for refusing any correspondence or documents related to the GRIFFIN@PZGIPA.COM email address.


  • was accepted by NCAT when the 2022/000196935 appeal application was submitted (Jul.7,2022)
  • has been used by NCAT to email numerous NCAT notices,NCAT correspondence & NCAT orders since Jul.8,2022
  • has been used by the Crown Solicitors Office for sending / receiving correspondence

PRIOR to Aug 23,2023 = 7 times

POST Aug.23,2023 = 44 times

3. On Aug.27,2022 GSE Act employed Clegg was sent my email response.

This email included documents challenging her restrictions which are based on FALSEHOODS.

My Aug.27,2022 response also raises other issues of GSE Act employed Cleggs UNLAWFUL conduct


To date GSE Act employed Clegg has refused to respond.

A formal complaint has been made to the NSW Ombudsman

A formal complaint is being made to ICAC as GSE Act employed Cleggs UNLAWFUL conduct has prejudiced my legal & procedural rights (there are distinct elements of corrupt conduct)


Documents substantiating the above can be downloaded (including the formal Ombudsman complaint)