There are very,very serious concerns about the integrity of the NCAT registry.

GSE Act employed principal registrar Michelle Brazel has received repeated complaints

concerning the UNLAWFUL conduct of GSE Act employed registry officers.


1. GSE Act employed Brazel  has received:

a. Posted NCAT complaint forms for

  • GSE Act employed Bechini
  • GSE Act employed Clegg
  • GSE Act employed Skinner
  • GSE Act employed Szczygielski

but failed to confirm their receipt (as required by NCAT Policy 1 Complaints)

NCAT will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days, and aims to respond within 21-28 working days

b. Copies of

  • GSE Act employed Cleggs Aug 23,2022 emailed restrictions
  • the Aug.27,2022 response to the emailed restrictions
  • Documentary evidence challenging the grounds for GSE Act Cleggs emailed restrictions (including the CBA investigation letter)

c.  requests to provide NCAT policy documents relating to NCAT restrictions & procedures for their review.

d. a copy of the NSW Obudsman formal complaint against GSE Act employed Clegg


To date GSE Act employed Brazel refuses to address the facts & those complaints


2. According to NCAT Policy 1 Complaints  GSE Act employed Brazel deals with NCAT staff complaints

I have repeatedly requested from GSE Act employed Brazel who has oversight of her conduct.

GSE Act employed Brazel refuses to respond.


GSE Act employed Brazel can be reasonably considered as being complicit with this UNLAWFUL conduct.

This is a significant public trust issue as the NCAT registry is the gateway through which the public exercises legal rights.

A NCAT registry where GSE Act employed officers can blatantly abuse their positions of authority to deny those legal & procedural rights is a breach of public trust.

This UNLAWFUL conduct brings NCAT into disrepute and has distinct elements of corrupt conduct


Evidentiary documentation available upon request (including the formal Ombudsman complaint)