Based on the following evidence the author alleges that senior member Craig Mulvey is alleged to be a corrupt* congenital liar


Craig Mulvey Page 81 NCAT 2021-2022 Annual Report

Senior Member. Current barrister in private practice. Appointed as a Senior Legal Member Guardianship Tribunal NSW, 2010 – 2014. Since 2014, appointed as a Senior Member NCAT in the Guardianship, Administrative and Equal Opportunity and Occupational Divisions and the Appeal Panel. Past board member and co-convenor of the Inner-City Legal Centre. Current chair and board member of the Intellectual Disability Rights Service. Member of the NSW Bar Associations Legal Aid Committee and past member of the Elder Law Committee.

However I leave it up to the reader to form their own opinion


Details to be posted soon

* Corruption as defined by ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9

*NOTE: Craig Mulvey was the chosen replacement for the alleged corrupt* congenital liar Deborah Dinnen by the NCAT president,Lea Armstrong


* SRNLPA = Self Represented,Non-Legal Professional (time poor,resource poor) Applicants



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