Based on the following evidence the author alleges that GSE Act employed NCAT registry officer K.McNamara (ID kmcnam0) is alleged to be corrupt*

However I leave it up to the reader to form their own opinion.

Details to be posted soon

COMPLAINT#1: Abuse of authority constituting alleged corrupt conduct.

A. On Sep.21,2023 I received correspondence from GSE Act employed registrar K.Fang (ID kfang1) stating:

Case number 2020/00283065 (copy here)

Peter Zonnevylle v NSW Department of Justice
Application under Government Information (Public Access) Act

NCAT decision
I write to inform you that a decision in the above matter is to be published to Caselaw tomorrow, Friday
22nd September 2023.
It will be available at after 10am.

I have been unable to find this decision at

B. On Sep.23,2023 I emailed requesting

To whom it may concern.

I request that a copy of this decision be emailed to me at this email address.


C.  On Sep.29,2023 I received the following email response from the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed K.McNamara:

I refer to your email of 28 September 2023 requesting a copy of the decision be emailed to you.
A copy of the decision and orders of 22 September 2023 have been posted to you on 22 September


D. On Sep.30,2023 I emailed the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed K.McNamara the following email:

Attn GSE Act employed K.McNamara,Registrar

I refer to your attached notice.

a. You are well aware that I was advised on Sep.21,2023 that the decision was to be

published on Caselaw (refer to KFangs notice attached)

To date I have been unable to locate this decision.

b. Please provide detailed reasons why you (allegedly) posted the decision when I had

indicated on my application form that I requested ALL correspondence to be sent to the

email address:

I request that should you refuse to email me decision document,you email me the

caselaw link for the published decision before the close of business Wed.Oct 4,2023

2. You have just received my response to your Sep.29,2023 notice for proceedings 2021/000140934

You appear AGAIN to be deliberately breaching your LEGISLATED MANDATORY CONDUCT OBLIGATIONS

pursuant to GSE Act Sect.7 Government Sector Core Values.

This,in my view,substantiates my opinion that you are seeking to deliberately & maliciously

a. deny or obstruct my legislative / procedural rights

b. cause me a deliberate detriment in these & other proceedings

I also believe that your conduct has distinct elements of CORRUPT CONDUCT pursuant to ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9


I inform you (again) that NCAT COMPLAINTS & ABUSES will be documented on my website:

Please note that it is my intention to be both truthful & factual about any allegations made.

My ALLEGATIONS OF CORRUPT CONDUCT / UNLAWFUL CONDUCT are based on my interpretation of

  • ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9
  • Conduct obligations (such as NCAT member codes of conduct / GSE Act Sect.7)
  • Statutory obligations of members / GSE Act employed officers
  • Discrepancies in facts / statements arising from tribunal decisions

My allegations will be supported by evidence & references to the relevant legislation.

Any party subject to my allegations has the right & opportunity to provide contesting

evidence as a right of reply for those postings.

I will post those right of reply responses so that the public can form their own opinion about my

complaints to ensure transparency & accountability.

I believe that their is a CREDIBLE & SERIOUS PUBLIC INTEREST in documenting those (systemic)

abuses being UNLAWFULLY & (allegedly) CORRUPTLY perpetrated against me.

Should the publishing of such (actual) evidence be deemed by you to be:


causing general public outrage by a perceived offence against morality or law.

(improper / causing serious harm / causing serious harassment against tribunal members or any GSE Act employed

officers) please ensure that you provide ALL REFERENCES to relevant legislation that legitimizes your

IMPROPER / HARMFUL / SERIOUSLY HARASSING conduct against myself in your response.

Also please state why the reporting of ALLEGED CORRUPT CONDUCT / UNLAWFUL CONDUCT is not in the

public interest and how it is deemed


causing general public outrage by a perceived offence against morality or law.

when (allegedly) substantiated by fact?

AGAIN I request that any right of reply be made within 14 days

Please note that the respondents legal rep has been CC’d into this correspondence

Peter Zonnevylle

victim of alleged NCAT corruption

victim of alleged DEC corruption


E. The alleged corrupt GSE Act employed K.McNamara has refused to respond


* Corruption as defined by ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9

NOTE: GSE Act employed K.McNamara has been requested a right of reply concerning the authors complaints but to date GSE Act employed K.McNamara has refused to respond

* SRNLPA = Self Represented,Non-Legal Professional (time poor,resource poor) Applicants



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