Based on the following evidence the author alleges that Michael Griffin is alleged to be  corrupt congential liar*.


Griffin, Michael LLB LLM  Ref.NCAT Annual Report 2021-2022 Pg74
Senior Member. Brigadier (Retd), Principal of Griffin Consulting, Former Integrity Commissioner and Agency Head of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity, Former Director of Military Prosecutions, Former Australian Crime Commission Examiner, 30 plus years legal practice, 40 plus years military service, Inaugural Chair of Veterans Centre Australia

However I leave it up to the reader to form their own opinion.


CASE STUDY #1: Proceedings 2021/00337143 Zonnevylle v NSW Education (DEC)

A.Tribunal Obligations

Tribunal members have the obligation to promote the OBJECTS of an Act (law):

The Adminstrative Decisions Review Act Sect.3 (ADR Act) states:

The objects of this Act are as follows:

(c) to foster an atmosphere in which administrative review by the Tribunal is viewed positively as a means of enhancing the delivery of services and programs,

(d) to promote and effect compliance by administrators with legislation enacted by Parliament for the benefit of the citizens of New South Wales.

B. Background
I was forced into an UNWANTED & UNNECESSARY NCAT review as a result of the alleged corrupt conduct of senior DEC GSE Act employed officers such as:

  • GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast,GIPA unit manager
  • GSE Act employed Sarah Hargans,General Counsel,DEC

who are alleged to be complicit in an INJURIOUS FALSEHOOD being perpetrated against myself & my employer AND / OR obstructing my legitimate FOI rights.

The CHRONOLOGY of this FOI application is as follows:

1. Feb.18,2021 Zonnevylle v DCS; Zonnevylle v Secretary, DEC [2021] NSWCATAD 35
Member S Goodman SC set aside that decision of the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast and found that the access application was valid

This means that the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast (NSW Education (DEC) GIPA Unit) was required to RESTART the FOI access application.

2. Feb.23,2021 Under the GIPA Act Sect.51.2,the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast was required to provide the statutory Sect.51.2 notice (within 5 working days) advising the validity of the FOI appication.

No notice received.

3. Mar.19,2021 Under the GIPA Act Sect.57.1,the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast was to required provide the statutory Sect.57 notice of decision (within 20 working days).

No notice received

4. Mar.19,2021 Under GIPA Act Sect.63,the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast is deemed to have made a “deemed refusal”
The alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast has statutory obligation to

  • process the application without charge
  • refund the FOI application fee

5. May 23,2021 Applicant enquires as to the status of the application
PG6 CHRONOLOGY GIPA application.pdf

6. Jun.8,2021 The alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans sends notice of “deemed refusal”
The alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans provides no details on the GIPA Act Sect.63 statutory obligation to

  • process the application without charge
  • refund the FOI application fee

PG7 / 8 CHRONOLOGY GIPA application.pdf

7. Jun.26,2021 Applicant requests the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans “decision” be internally reviewed
PG9 / 10 CHRONOLOGY GIPA application.pdf

8. Jul.26,2021 The alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans refuses to provide any notice regarding
the internal review as required under DEC internal review procedures

9. Jul.31,2021 The applicant is forced to make another unwanted & unnecessary review application by the information commissioner Elizabeth Tydd
PG11 / 19 CHRONOLOGY GIPA application.pdf

10. Nov.1,2021 The Information Commissioner releases their review IPC21/R000564 which recommends

  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans
  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast

make a new decision by way of internal review
PG27 / 29 CHRONOLOGY GIPA application.pdf

11. Nov.15,2021 the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast advises that the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans
refuses to make a new decision
PG30 CHRONOLOGY GIPA application.pdf

12. Nov.19,2021 The applicant was forced to seek an unwanted & unnecessary NCAT review to seek access to substantially personal information


The above chronology is EVIDENCE of deliberate breaches of the GIPA Act & egregious abuses of my GIPA Act rights have occurred (resulting in an unwanted & unnecessary NCAT review & GIPA Act Sect.112 complaint).

There are GIPA Act OFFENCES which are alleged to have been perpetrated by either or both

  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans
  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast


C. Michael Griffins decision

1. On June 7,2022 m.Griffins decision was published on the NSW Caselaw website:

Zonnevylle v Secretary, Department of Education [2022] NSWCATAD 187

a. It would be clear on reading of the decision that m.Griffin has deliberately & maliciously breached his STATUTORY OBLIGATION under

and is alleged to be COMPLICIT with those alleged corrupt officers perpetrating UNLAWFUL CONDUCT / CORRUPT CONDUCT

i. m.Griffin is alleged to have DELIBERATELY & MALICIOUSLY omitted the application CHRONOLOGY that lead to the UNWANTED & UNNECESSARY NCAT review.

m.Griffins alleged CORRUPT CONDUCT:

  • “COVERS UP” UNLAWFUL CONDUCT / alleged CORRUPT CONDUCT by GSE Act officers who can then perpetrate the same alleged CORRUPT CONDUCT in future FOI applications
  • UNDERMINES the purpose of FOI legislation which is used to ensure transparency & accountability of the government
  • UTTERLY FAILS to promote the OBJECTS OF LEGILSATION such a the CAT Act,the ADR Act,the GIPA Act & the GSE Act

ii. m.Griffin has the EXPLICIT AUTHORITY under

to address the alleged CORRUPT CONDUCT of

  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans
  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast

in order to:

(c) foster an atmosphere in which administrative review by the Tribunal is viewed positively as a means of enhancing the delivery of services and programs,

(d) promote and effect compliance by administrators with legislation enacted by Parliament for the benefit of the citizens of New South Wales.

iii. M.Griffin is alleged to have given

  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed  Sarah Hargans
  • the alleged corrupt GSE Act employed Jenni Pendergast

a “FREE PASS” on perpetrating alleged CORRUPT CONDUCT to SERIOUSLY RISK UNDERMINING the purpose of the FOI legislation.


b. m.Griffin is alleged to have made deliberate & malicously FALSE STATEMENTS in his June 7,2022 decision which contradict the hearing transcript.




* Corruption as defined by ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9

* SRNLPA = Self Represented,Non-Legal Professional (time poor,resource poor) Applicants



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