Based on the following evidence the author alleges that GSE Act employed NCAT registry officer Michele Bechini (ID mbechi0) is alleged to be corrupt*

However I leave it up to the reader to form their own opinion.

On April 20,2022 GSE Act employed senior case officer Michele Bechini used my credit card details without my consent.

Despite GSE Act employed senior case officer Michele Bechini

  • having  written no consent
  • having explicit instructions in an April 9,2022 email which DID NOT mention my credit card
  • having none of the credit card details provided in this instance

,GSE Act employed senior case officer Michele Bechini proceeded to make two UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS.

Despite a further email sent to GSE Act employed senior case officer Michele Bechini later on April 20,2022,GSE Act employed senior case officer Michele Bechini made no attempt to cancel or reverse those two UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS.

Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides protections for this type of conduct.

Ref. website:
– An unauthorised transaction is when someone transfers money from your account  without  your permission.

NCAT provides a service in the supply of sales of NCAT hearing sound recordings

  • those purchases are protected by ACL
  • ACL protects consumers from fraudulent activities related to credit card transactions
  • under ACL anyone has the right to challenge ANY UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS
  • under ACL anyone has the legal & legitimate right to seek the refund of payments when they are a result of UNAUTHORIZED  TRANSACTIONS

I contacted my bank to inform them of those two UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS.

On April 30,2022 I received a letter from CBA Case number: 10808931

A refund is on its way to you
Here’s some good news .

We’ve completed our investigation into your recent transaction dispute and
will be refunding you the money.

We’ll deposit the money into your debit card account within the next 3
business days including any associated fees and interest.

My credit card provider found that  GSE Act employed senior case officer Michele Bechini processed two UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS and refunded the charges.

No apology provided

What is very disturbing is that by exercising my LAWFUL & LEGITIMATE CONSUMER RIGHTS,the alleged corrupt:

  • GSE Act employed Louise Clegg
  • GSE Act employed Michelle Brazel
  • GSE Act employed Christine Skinner
  • GSE Act employed Michele Bechini

who seem to believe that I am exempt from this BASIC CONSUMER RIGHT,
have used this specific issue to refuse my LEGITIMATE Credit Card Payment Authorities (CCPAs) for NCAT fee payments (applications & hearing sound recordings)

The refusal of my LEGITIMATE CCPAs is based on an alleged deliberate & malicious FALSEHOOD constructed by the alleged CORRUPT GSE Act employed Catherine (Cathy) Szczygielski.

The alleged deliberate & malicious SYSTEMIC OBSTRUCTION / DENIAL of my LEGISLATIVE (lawful) & PROCEDURAL RIGHTS has had a detrimental effect on multiple proceedings which will be documented on this website



* Corruption as defined by ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9

NOTE: GSE Act employed Michele Bechini has been requested a right of reply concerning the authors complaints but to date GSE Act employed Michele Bechini has refused to respond

* SRNLPA = Self Represented,Non-Legal Professional (time poor,resource poor) Applicants



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