Based on the following evidence the author alleges that GSE Act employed NCAT registry officer Cathy Szczygielski (former principal registrar) is alleged to be a corrupt*


However I leave it up to the reader to form their own opinion.


A.In an undated letter Ref.C22/192 GSE Act employed Catherine Szczygielski (aka Cathy Szczygielski)

made false statements which constitute a known FALSEHOOD.

B.In her letter Ref.C22/192 (copy of letter),GSE Act employed Catherine Szczygielski states:

Unauthorized transactions
You say you noticed two unauthorized transactions on your bank account statement for sound recording fees by NCAT.

I note that on Apr.9.2022 you emailed the registry and requested they use the credit card details you had supplied to process fees for the sound recordings for applications 2022/00036436 & 2022/000287835.

You were advised by the registry on Apr.20,2022 that fees totalling $90 for the two sound recordings would be charged.

It is also noted that you only contacted registry after they had closed on Apr.20,2022 to
advise them you wanted to use the credit that you had to pay for the two sound recordings.

C.The above statement is patently false:

1. The April 9,2022 email (copy of email) :

  • DID NOT request that my credit card details be used
  • DID NOT include my credit card details
  • DID NOT mention “credit card”


2. The April 20,2022 email (copy of email) stated:

I request that you use $90 from the ($110) credit for those requested sound recordings.

I will then fill in the refund form for the remaining balance.


3. GSE Act employed Szczygielski knows that GSE Act employed Bechini

  • DID NOT make any contact for AUTHORITY to the use the credit card details
  • DID NOT make any contact for any CLARIFICATION for use of the credit card details
  • DID NOT attempt to reverse those UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS
  • DID NOT make any attempt to stop those UNAUTHORIZED TRANSACTIONS

DESPITE the April 9 & April 20,2022 instructions


D.This conduct is inconsistent with that required under the GSE Act.

GSE Act employed Catherine Szczygielski has not attempted to rectify this FALSEHOOD


E.Acccording to NCAT COMPLAINT PROCEDURES,GSE Act employed Cathy Szczygielski is responsible for receiving /processing complaints concerning

GSE Act employed registry officers

Tribunal members


NCAT Complaints Policy & fact sheet:


F.I have made many LEGITIMATE FORMAL COMPLAINTS supported by documents (including the above) and those are either ignored or are never heard of again.

Complaints Policy response times are in many instances BLATANTLY IGNORED


G.If you attempt to REASONABLY & LEGITIMATELY seek to follow up such FORMAL COMPLAINTS, you are more than likely to receive the following response:



* Corruption as defined by ICAC Act Sect.7,8 & 9

NOTE: BGSE Act employed K.McNamara has been requested a right of reply concerning the authors complaints but to date GSE Act employed K.McNamara has refused to respond

* SRNLPA = Self Represented,Non-Legal Professional (time poor,resource poor) Applicants



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